Home / Promising jobs and career in Healthcare
Healthcare business management has certainly become the need of the hour to help you keep pace with the rapidly changing world of health and health care. Clinicians are focussed on clinical work, while running the system smoothly requires an understanding of both Healthcare Industry, the environment in which it operates, and sound knowledge of business management. Health care management, and health care policy will help you develop the skills you will need to successfully navigate the quickly evolving landscape of this fast-growing field. Basic financial and management skills to make better, well-informed decisions that improve the cost and quality of the health care you or your enterprise provides.
The employment of medical and health services managers is projected to grow 17% from 2014 to 2024, significantly faster than the average for all occupations.
Knowledge of financial statement data and non-financial metrics and linking it to financial performance. Gain a practical understanding of how data is used to assess what drives financial performance and forecast future financial scenarios. The course will help you determine the best financial strategy for your organization.
The health care system and health insurance are complex structures to study in a developing world like India. Study and analysis of providers through the Economic lens will help you gain better insight in decision making.
Identify different types of health care providers and understand the dynamic between them. In India major player of Healthcare delivery service is private sector. Insurance penetration is still only close to 20 %, this is the prime reason for middle class population to get pushed below poverty line. Understanding of both the systems will help one come up with strategies to keep the business going while addressing the community healthcare needs.
Managing such complex systems is always a challenging task. People are the most asset of any business, but they are also the most unpredictable, and the most difficult asset to manage. And although managing people well is critical to the health of any organization, most managers do not get the training they need to make good management decisions. Learn how to motivate individual performance and design reward systems, how to design jobs and organize work for high performance, how to make good and timely management decisions, and how to design and change your organization’s architecture.
optimizing health care operations and be able to develop the right set of evaluations and questions to achieve best innovative practices within your organization.
Healthcare Industry is the largest sector catering to employment. Be a part of such dynamic industry by gaining the required skill set at the right time.
Author: Dr. Preeti Adhav
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